Sunday, December 12, 2010

Advent of Christmas Memories, Day 12 - Charitable / Volunteer Work

Did your family ever volunteer with a charity such as a soup kitchen, homeless or battered women’s shelter during the holidays? Or perhaps were your ancestors involved with church groups that assisted others during the holiday?

Through the years I've participated in many charitable activities this time of the year either on my own, through church, or through work. This was instilled into me at an early age through my mother. My folks were two different denominations and I usually attended church with mom. Every year, our church would participate in Operation Santa Claus. My mother always adopted a child for Operation Santa Claus and included me in the process of selecting items for our adopted child.

After I was out on my own, I continued participating in Operation Santa Claus / Angel Trees, etc. either on my own or through church. Also, many of the places I've worked, adopted a family for the holidays and I also contributed food and clothing items toward those activities also. I did and still do get a rush from helping a child or family have a Blessed Christmas.

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