About Georgia Black Crackers

The name of the blog, Georgia Black Crackers, was my mother’s contribution to the blog. I wanted something creative but couldn’t think of anything. My mother suggested Georgia Black Crackers in honor of our Georgia ancestors and to honor the Atlanta Black Crackers team from the old Negro Baseball League. My mother is a huge baseball fan and came of age during the time the Negro Baseball League was in existence. It took awhile for me to embrace the name but I think it is a perfect fit for the reasons already mentioned.
When Georgia Black Crackers was started, it was initially to be about the research for my maternal ancestors. However, through the months, it has evolved into a bit more. It has become a place to not only talk about the research and history of my ancestors and other relatives, but has also become a forum for talking about history in general and more specifically black history. I also try to cover various research techniques and tips as I know them as well as other subject matter I deem appropriate.
Logo for Atlanta Black Crackers obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlanta_Black_Crackers.