Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Kreativ Blogger Award - Thank you Gini!

I'm up in the wee hours of the morning because I can't sleep. These days instead of getting something done around the house during these times, I always come get on the computer. So, it was a wonderful surprise, when I discovered this AM that sometime during the night, Genea-friend Gini, Ginisology, had gifted me with the The Kreativ Blogger Award. Gini is one of my newly discovered Gene-friends who is a wonderful treasure in the genea-world. Gini does the most wonderful interviews and write-ups for Geneabloggers that introduce us to fellow members of the genealogy blogging family.

Gini,  thank you so much for the award. Once again, you have managed to lift me up at a time when I was struggling with the research and blogging. I am honored to have been chosen.

The winner of The Kreative Blogger Award has to list seven things about themselves and then pass the award on to seven other bloggers.

So, let's begin:

  1. Even though I don't do it often these days, I love baking, especially this time of the year. As a side note, I wonder if not being able to make my momma's delicious yeast rolls will torment me the way not being able to make grandmom's custard pie tormeneted mom. By the way, some time during the past 11 years, mom finally figured out how to make the pie, so there's hope for me yet in learning how to make her rolls.
  2.  I love spending time with my folks. I continue to learn from them even as they grow more dependent on me to try to teach them about many things in this technologically advanced world that they live in. I must say both have done well on their own without much input from me.
  3. I still miss my maternal granddad even though he's been gone for 31 years. He was my world, my reason for being, my inspiration.
  4. Even though I took a 10 year hiatus from my family research, the drive, the passion, and the need to find all my ancestors and tell their story is still there.
  5. Although of late you would never know it but I love to travel. Wishing that I had the resources right now for another international trip, perhaps to Africa, so that I could recharge and be exhausted at the same time.
  6. I used to love doing my crafts. I still do but don't seem to have or make the time for them any more. I keep trying to get back to them especially the sewing. That I way I could have clothes that are tailor made for this crazily build, middle-age body.
  7. My biggest struggle in life is staying organized. Hopefully, one of these days I can at least manage to get back to the semi-organized stated of being.
Deciding on seven genea-friends / fellow bloggers to gift with The Kreativ Blogger Award was a tough decision because every blogger in their own unique way is kreativ. Here are my seven
  1.  Our Georgia Roots Luckie Daniels
  2. Be Not Forgot Vickie Everhart
  3. GenBlog Jule Tarr
  4. We Tree Amy Coffin
  5. Spence-Lowry Family History Alum Spence
  6. Reclaiming Kin Robyn
  7. Saturday's Child Jama


  1. I'm soooo honored to be picked for this. Thank you!

  2. Thank you Mav for thinking of me & Our Georgia Roots! I'll try to do you proud!:-)


  3. Mavis, my dear, thank you for thinking of me! I am running soooo far behind on lots of "stuff" and I just saw the notice that you had posted a comment about this lovely award. I am truly honored! Vickie in Texas

    P.S. Congrats to you on being nominated by Ginisology. She's such a sweetheart! V.

  4. Mavis, you are so welcome - choosing you was so easy - you are a very precious genea-friend and I am so much richer for it. Thank You for your inspiration and your endless support, and your wonderful posts.

  5. You are so wonderful. Thank you!! I too--am honored. I will try to live up to it;)

  6. I must admit, I've enjoyed this process of learning more about my GeneaFriends & sharing things that would never be mentioned on Our Georgia Roots.

    Don't worry sugar, you have a long life to live. You will sew again, travel to Africa & get organized!

    When you get the lesson on yeast rolls, please invite me. It pains me to have lost my Grandmother's recipe for them many years ago.

    I was the only one she taught... How could I let that recipe get away?! Ugh!


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