Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Not So Wordless Wednesday - Private Wheeler Sharp

Pvt. Wheeler Sharp
1895 - 1971

Aunt Lucille, finally let me have access to some of her pictures, which included some picture postcards she had retrived from my grandparent's trunk after my granddad's death (1978). This was one of those. Luckily for me, a couple had names written on the back.

Back of Picture Postcard of Wheeler Sharp

As we were going through the pictures, my aunt said that this was some of momma's people but I don't know how they were related. So, we have the beginning's of another mystery on grandmom's side of the family.

First, a few things of interest that I noted about the writing on the back of the picture.

  • It was noted that Pvt. Wheeler died in 1977 (he actually died in 1971). My grandmother died in 1966 so obviously she didn't record this. My grandfather died in 1978 but that doesn't look like his handwriting and by this point in time, my grandfather's mind wasn't what it used to be anyway. The writing sort of looks like Aunt Lucille's but I can't imagine her spelling Cincinnati like that. So, who noted Pvt. Wheeler's death and how did they find out he died?

  • There appears to be 3 different handwritings on the back. There is the barely visible recording of the Wheller Sharp name near the top, the person who seem to know him as Bubba and recorded his death and where living / died, and then the much more visible Priv Wheller Sharp.
Well, I started doing a bit of research on Priv. Wheeler Sharp and here's what I can tell you
  • In 1920, he lived in Walton County, GA. He lived a couple of houses away from my grand aunt Effie Pierce Jackson and her family. He was married and had no children
  • In 1930, he was living in Cleveland County, NC. Yes, the same area my grandparents migrated to as well as a few more of the relatives. In fact, in 1930 he was living beside another set of cousins, the Durdens. I still have not determined how the Durdens are related.
  • Sometime after 1930, he migrated to OH.
  • And if you remember my almost cousin, Stella, Priv. Sharp, if related, represents another shared line with Stella.
I decided to order of copy of Pvt. Wheeler's SS5 application to determine who his parents were and how he might be related. Have also contacted Stella regarding Priv. Wheeler's children. Are they still living? Does she have contact with them? Etc. Etc.

While I patiently wait for the requested item, I'll continue to see what I can find out about Priv. Wheeler, as well as continue to work on my Hosch ancestral line.

Until next time!


  1. Don't you just love how the mysteries are never ending? Glad to hear that Aunt Lucy finally allowed you access to her image stash!:-)

    Keep us posted -- Bubba from Cincinnati, Ohio huh? My people migrated there from Atlanta!


  2. Mavis, I always enjoy the pictures you post. They are just beautiful. You ddi a excellent job of researching the details of this picture. Continued luck to you! The ancestors are always whispering in our ears.



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