Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Green Bethel High School, Class of 1945

This is a picture of my mother's graduating class. My mother is the shortest, smallest person on the front row. (She only weighed 95lbs when she headed off to college. Too bad I didn't take after her.) Can you guess who her best friend might have been? Hint: She's on the front row and stands in stark contrast to mom.

Two of mom's teachers were still living during my lifetime. One, Ms. Ball, standing directly behind mom, use to come visit us all the time. I think mom must have been one of her favorite students.

Updated on 09/20/09 - Mom corrected me. She was in the class of 1945 instead of 1944, so there was a small correction to the title of this post.


  1. You know folks always complain about not having cool pictures, yet everytime I visit I see a new one!:-)

    How tall was your Mom's BFF - 6'5?!:-)


  2. Luckie,

    I've got ton's of pics of mom's generation, the grandparents, and of course me. It's the pics of my ggrandparents, 2ggrandparents, etc. that I long for because I have no clue what most of them looked like.

    I think mom's BFF did hit the 6' mark.


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